Why the name Foursquare?

The Tern “Foursquare” stands for the four-fold ministry of Jesus Christ as the

Our Vision

What We Believe

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The Holy Scriptures

We believe that the Bible is God-inspired (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

The Eternal Godhead

We believe that God is Triune: Father, Son and the Holy Spirit (2 Corinthians 13:14)

The Fall of Man

We believe that man is created in the image of God but, by voluntary disobedience, fell from perfection-thereby imbuing humanity with sinfulness (Romans 5:12)

The Plan of Salvation

We believe that, while we were sinners, Christ died for us – pardoning all who believe in Him (John 3:16; Romans 5:8)

Repentance and Acceptance

We believe that upon sincere repentance and a wholehearted acceptance of Christ, we are justified before God (Romans 10:8-10, 1 John 1:9)

The New Birth

We believe that a genuine change takes place in people who accept Christ as Saviour; believers allow Christ’s life to be lived through them (2 Corinthians 5:17, Galatians 2:20)

Daily Christian Living

We believe that laws and ordinances come from God’s ultimate authority and should be upheld, except when they are in opposition to the revealed will of God (Romans 13:1-5)

Water Baptism and the Lord’s Supper

We believe that baptism by immersion in water is an outward sign of an inward work (Mathew 28:19, Romans 6:4).We believe in commemorating the Lord’s Supper by the symbolic use of bread and the fruit of the vine (1 Corinthians 11:24.25)

Holy Spirit Baptism

We believe that baptism with the Holy Spirit empowers believers, and that the Holy Spirit’s incoming follows the same pattern that is described in the New Testament (Acts 2:4)

The Spirit Filled Life

We believe that it is the will of God that we daily walk in the power of the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30-32)

The Gifts and Fruits of the Spirit

We believe that the Holy Spirit has gifts to bestow upon Christians (1 Corinthians 12:1-11) and that we should show spiritual fruit as evidence of a Spirit-filled life (Galatians 5:22-25)


We believe that people who follow Christ should avoid the extremes of fanaticism and pursue lives of balance and moderation, demonstrating gentleness and patience (Philippians 4:5; Colossians 3:12,13)

Divine Healing

We believe that divine healing is the power of Christ to heal the sick in answer to prayer offered in faith (James 5:14-16)

Second Coming of Christ

We believe that the second coming o Christ is personal and imminent (1 Thessalonians 4:16; Titus 2:11-13)

Church Relationship

We believe that followers of Christ have a duty to identify with the visible church of Jesus Christ and should meet regularly with fellow believers (Hebrews 10:24-25)

Civil Government

We believe that laws and ordinances come from God’s ultimate authority and should be upheld, except when they in opposition to the revealed will of God (Romans 13:1-5)

The Final Judgement

We believe every person will one day stand before the judgement seat of Christ to receive eternal life or death (Revelation 20:11-15; Hebrews9:27; 2 Corinthians 5:10)
Our Leaders


Mrs. Adwoa Mensima Sey

The First Lady

Rev. Francis Sey

The General Overseer